Find out who are the winners and losers in Asia's power supply quality
Philippines, Indonesia race to the bottom of the list.
The quality of electricity supply in Asia varies considerably, in relation to individual countries' level of economic development.
According to an industry analysis by BMI Research, India's power supply has improved over the last year, in line with progress in power sector reforms; conversely, reform in Indonesia's power sector is yet to bear fruit. South Korea's power supply has improved on the back of greater nuclear output, while capacity expansion in the Philippines is struggling to meet demand, prompting widespread shortages.
Here's more from BMI Research:
The quality of power supply is an important determinant of a country's social and economic development. An unreliable power supply, which is characterized by widespread outages, high losses along the transmission and distribution (T&D) grid, narrow reserve margins and low electrification rates, hinders economic growth significantly - impeding industrial output and deterring investment.
There is strong correlation between a country's GDP per capita and its electricity consumption per capita, with less economically developed countries typically suffering from poor and unreliable power supply.
The quality of electricity supply in Asia varies considerably, with countries such as Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, Japan and Hong Kong benefiting from mature and efficient power sectors, as opposed to the power sectors of less-developed countries such as Pakistan, Myanmar, Cambodia and India.
The World Economic Forum (WEF)'s 'Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016' scores the quality of power supply by country and provides a useful indicator through which to examine the varying degree of development in the power sectors of the Asia region.
When compared to the average score of the previous year (2014-2015), the Asia region's the quality of power supply has improved marginally. However, when assessing the scores at a country-specific level, there are both notable improvements and deteriorations to scores.