Massive Chinese hydro project moves ahead
An environmental impact assessment report for Sinohydro Corporation's US$1.17 billion Angu Hydropower Station was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Beijing.
Angu Hydropower Station, located in Shengjiangpo, on the boundary between Shawan District and Shizhong District of Leshan City, is the last project in
the cascade development scheme for the mainstream of Dadu River, according to Industrial Info Resources.
The power station will consist of a main dam, two auxiliary dams, a power house, a ship lock a tailrace canal, and a flood discharge canal, powered by
four 190-megawatt hydraulic turbine generators and a 12-megawatt small unit bringing the project's capacity to 772 megawatts.
Construction of main works is scheduled to begin in May and the project is expected to be completed in 2015, according to IRR.