, Taiwan
Photo by Reegan Fraser on Pexels

Taiwan's Zhong Neng offshore wind farm delivers first power

The power plant’s offshore installation work will be completed by the third quarter.

Zhong Neng offshore wind farm, a joint venture between Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) through its fund Copenhagen Infrastructure IV and China Steel Corporation, has delivered its first power whilst turbine installation work is still underway in Taiwan.

In a statement, CIP said that the 300-megawatt power plant’s first turbine was installed in May 2024, and currently, a third of its turbines have already been deployed.

The offshore installation work at Zhong Neng, which could provide energy to around 300,000 households, is expected to be completed in the third quarter, with the full grid connection by year-end.

“The concerted efforts of shareholders CSC and CIP, the Zhong Neng team, and our supplier and contractor partners have ensured that all foundations were fabricated and installed - and that the electrical facility was successfully completed earlier this year,” Zhong Neng Chairman Wang Shyi-chin said.

“These achievements have paved the way towards successful turbine installation and power generation and offshore construction has progressed smoothly since the first turbine installation was announced in May,” Wang added.


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