PT GH EMM INDONESIA strengthens its foothold to drive sustainable growth

The company is on a mission to provide green energy to Indonesia with a focus on innovation.

Established on 11 March 2008, PT. GH EMM Indonesia, a 70:30 consortium between China Shenhua Energy and PT Energi Musi Makmur, is committed to providing enough power for the national electricity company (PLN), the government and the Indonesian people.

As one of the independent power producers in Indonesia, the company owns Simpang Belimbing power plant, Indonesia’s first mine-mouth power plant located in the remote Muara Enim Regency of South Sumatra Province. With a net capacity of 2⨉150MW, the coal-fired steam power plant supplies 7% of the overall energy used by almost 8.5 million people in Central and South Sumatra.

Marrying the most advanced technology from China with the abundance of coal in South Sumatra, PH GHEMMI pioneered better usage of low-quality lignite coal as the main fuel for Simpang Belimbing. Fu Yue Long, President Director of PT GH EMMI, said that they are the only one in Indonesia that could successfully utilise this type of low-quality coal without having any negative effect on plant performance.

In terms of availability and reliability, the power plant has been at full capacity 94% of the time (equivalent availability factor or EAF), with an equivalent forced outage rate (EFOR) of less than 1%, since going online.

By focusing on the reliability and innovation of its power plants, PT GHEMMI has received numerous awards, including a trifecta at last year’s Asian Power Awards where they won the Innovative Power Technology of the Year, Independent Power Producer of the Year and the Environmental Upgrade of the Year.

A project of this magnitude did not come without any challenges, Deputy Manager of Operation Department, Richard Sinambela mentioned, adding that they were plagued with obstacles in the beginning, such as coal plugging, dust pollution, and coal-self combustion. However, through innovation, upgrading, retrofit, and modification efforts, the power company overcame all the trouble and brought to life a reliable power plant, 8 months ahead of the agreed-upon timeline.

As new power plants emerge following the 35GW power generation target initiated by the Indonesian Government, PT GHEMMI persists in strengthening its foundation to engage in the electricity industry by securing a sustainable growth.

“The power plant business has now become more competitive. To secure the sustainable growth of our company, we always try to bring high standards for electricity and high performance in our power plants,” Fu Yue Long noted.

As such, PT GHEMMI has not stopped in maintaining excellent and reliable performance and implementing green business practices in its operations.

“Our existence in Indonesia’s electricity sector is very essential. We aim to improve and strengthen our power plant management as well as become a trusted company in power generation with world-class standards,” he added.

To support the government in realising the 35GW target, Fu Yue Long shared that PT GHEMMI is preparing its manpower by enhancing and developing employee competence in the face of a more challenging industry in the coming years. “Quality and optimum human resources, as the result of effective management, hugely decides the line of a company’s business growth,” he said.

Aside from focusing on creating a competitive and healthy climate amongst employees by providing sufficient facilities like living quarters, sports and entertainment facilities, PT GHEMMI understands its role to achieve sustainable development goals in terms of the environment. With an “Environmental Awareness” commitment in carrying out every operational activity and maintenance of the power plant unit, the company conducts environmental management and regular monitoring through measurement of air emissions, ambient, noise, waste water and raw water quality in each generation unit.

Realising that business growth can be achieved in line with the implementation of environmental responsibilities, PT GHEMMI monitors and aims to minimise the operational impacts from upstream to downstream and provides sustainable contributions to the community where they operate, including bridge and road repairs, enhancement of educational facilities, disaster support and aid, health and medical check-ups, and other assistance to community-led activities.

For these social and sustainable initiatives, Fu Yue Long expressed great pride after PT GHEMMI bagged the Environmental Upgrade of Year at the Asian Power Awards 2019: “Environmental sustainability is a global issue demanding care and responsibility from all parties including corporations such as PT GHEMM Indonesia. Our company puts great concern on efficient and environmentally friendly technology and environment upgrade. Our company tries to always take a role and be involved in environmental efforts. We commit to bring green energy for Indonesia.”

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