At EY, our purpose is building a better working world. The insights and services we provide help to create long-term value for clients, people and society, and to build trust in the capital markets.

See below for the Latest EY News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.

Integrate climate change into company’s long-term strategy to align with SDGs - EY’s Judy Li

Effective waste recycling and resource utilisation boost company sustainability and offer new approaches to global waste management.

EY Asia-Pacific Oil & Gas Leader Sanjeev Gupta: Businesses should align company direction with sustainability objectives

This advice comes amidst the industry navigating the transition to sustainable energy sources.

EY Partner about not far off energy future: Empowering customers and rethinking power infrastructures in a transitioning energy mix 

The immediate future will be crucial in forging a more sustainable and customer-centric energy framework within the region.

China is 2nd most attractive for renewable investments

It garnered a total score of 72, behind the US with 73.6.

Global BESS capacity set to grow 24% annually until 2030

The technology will ensure reliable grid networks amidst growing power demand.

EY finds gaps in Singaporeans' sustainable actions vs. intentions

More than half of Singaporeans are not willing to pay more for more sustainable products.

Three key areas the power sector should address to push consumers' energy transition

The survey found that 70% are not willing to spend more money and time on the transition.

Why energy firms struggle with cybersecurity

Structural challenges were amongst the hurdles in addressing cybersecurity.

EY leader: Embrace the changing facets of the industry value chain

This advice comes as the complex and dynamic nature of the energy sector sees high demands on its talent pool.

Around 7 in 10 consumers want to reduce energy costs, consumption

The majority of Southeast Asians follow suit, especially those working from home.

Energy transition to create biggest commercial opportunity for sector players

Need for businesses and academe to come together to prepare future leaders.