Gas Exporting Countries Forum
The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) is an international intergovernmental organisation currently
comprising 19 Member Countries: Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar,
Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela as Member Countries, and Angola, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Malaysia, Mozambique, Norway, Peru, and United Arab Emirates as Observer Members. The GECF Members account for 71% of the global proven gas reserves, 42% of marketed production, 53% of exports by pipeline and 55% as LNG.
See below for the Latest GCEF News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.
SEA gas demand to more than double to 350 bcm by 2050
SEA gas demand to more than double to 350 bcm by 2050
This is driven by the power generation sector due to the electricity demand.
Is Northeast Asia set to lead the second surge of floating offshore wind?
Beyond the grid: What is really driving smart cities in today’s energy transition