Indonesia to set up 4,000-MW plants in Batam
The Indonesian government plans to build new power plants with total capacity of 4,000 megawatts in Batam, Riau Islands.
As many as 3,000 MW of electricity produced by the power plants will be distributed to Singapore, while the remaining 1,000 MW can be used for Batam, according to Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources deputy minister Widjajono Partowidagdo.
The plan is aimed at reducing gas exports to Singapore, which have caused difficulties for local industries in fulfilling their gas requirements.
He noted that the power plants would most likely utilize coal as the primary energy source because Indonesia had abundant reserves with limited domestic absorption.
The gas that had previously been allocated for generating electricity in Singapore would then be utilized to fulfill soaring demand from industries in Java, he added.
Newly appointed president director of state electricity utility PLN Nur Pamudji said that his company fully supported the government’s plan on the 4,000 MW power plants.
He said PLN would agree on whether the power from the power plants would be exported or utilized locally by islands nearby Batam.
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