, Australia
Phot by Sungrow EMEA via Unsplash

Queensland invests $295.3m to expand Stanwell mega battery

The project is expected to be completed by mid-2027.

Australia’s Queensland government is investing $295.3m (A$448.2m) to double the capacity of the Stanwell mega battery project to reach a capacity of 300 megawatts $492m (MW)/1,200 MWh with a four-hour duration.

In a statement, the government said the project, which costs (A$747m), will also provide job opportunities to locals, with up to 80 full-time roles during the construction phase and six full-time roles during the facility’s operation.

The project, to be built within the Stanwell Power Station, will start construction in May 2024 and will start operations in mid-2027.

ALSO READ: Australian launches 1.7 GW RE tender in Victoria and Tasmania

“We are delivering the big energy build for Queensland, that will go on to power our homes and energy-intensive industries with cheaper, cleaner energy. The Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan will create jobs and protect jobs in existing industries, including here at Stanwell,” Premier Steven Miles said.

“That’s what our mega battery investment is all about – delivering the energy storage our state needs, whilst supporting good local jobs in Central Queensland,” he added.

Queensland targets 80% of renewable energy by 2035, which will open $177.9b (A$270b) in new investments and open up to $283.3b (A$430b) in economic opportunities.

$1 = A$1.52

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