TNB unit to study fuel sources for generation
This includes the development of biomass from pellets.
The Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) has partnered with three companies to study fuel sources in line with Malaysia’s clean energy transition.
Through its subsidiary TNB Fuel Services Sdn Bhd, it signed a three-year agreement with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MNA Fuel Services Sdn Bhd (MNAF), Itochu Malaysia Sdn Bhd (ITOCHU) and Cement Industries of Malaysia Berhad (CIMA).
“In line with national aspirations, the journey towards sustainable technology requires significant changes in the way we select and develop research programs, technologies, and the necessary equipment and manpower,” TNB President and CEO Dato' Indera Ir. Baharin Din said.
"This is one of the strategic collaborations carried out by TNBF with each of the companies involved who have extensive experience in their respective fields."
Read more: TNB profit dips 4.3% YoY in first 9 months
The MNAF had conducted a study to develop the potential of agricultural resources as fuel for the energy generation sector through biomass pellets developed from bamboo.
Collaboration with ITOCHU also involved research on the entire supply chain of ammonia as a new source of fuel.
The collaboration with CIMA, meanwhile, involved business areas including the supply of fuel, alternative raw materials, research and technical skills sharing.