FT Biopower and Weltec Biopower completes 700kW biogas power plants in Japan
Another power plant with a 250 kW capacity is under construction.
FT Biopower, along with Weltec Biopower has completed a total of 700 kilowatts of power plants in Japan that uses biogas to generate electricity, contributing to the reduction of emissions.
Tomoaki Terada, senior managing director and chief technology officer at FT Biopower said, one of the power plants is located in Hokkaido with a 250 kW capacity, whilst the other in Saitama has a 450 kW capacity.
FT Biopower is the Japanese partner of the Germany-based Weltec Biopower.
The 250 kW Urahoro Power Plant uses cow slurry with an input of around 30,000 tonnes per annum. Operating independently through off grid solution, the power plant can also save carbon emissions of around 711.5 tonnes per annum.
Meanwhile, the 450 kW Saitama plant uses organic waste such as food waste with a 2,823 billion cubic metres digester volume. It has an input capacity of 12,000 tonnes per annum of organic waste and could save around 1,500 tonnes of emissions annually.
In a statement, Weltec Biopower said the power plants in Japan are designed to withstand the geological risks in the country such as earthquakes.
Another power plant under development in Yamagata prefecture will also have a 250 kW capacity, Terada added.
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