ASEAN Centre for Energy

ACE assumes a central role in the ASEAN energy sector. It works closely with energy authorities/ministries in the 10 AMS called the Sub-sector Networks (SSN) and the Specialised Energy Bodies (SEB), as well as with the ASEAN Secretariat which acts as the custodian and administrator of the Endowment fund. Together, they implement the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation, which serves as a blueprint for better cooperation towards enhancing energy. Keeping the region’s development sustainable and environmentally friendly is an important concern of ASEAN’s energy sector. This concern is shared as a common theme of each Sub-sector Network in implementing its programmes.

ACE names new executive director

ACE names new executive director

Dato’ Ir. Ts. Razib Dawood was the CEO of Mayalsia’s Energy Commission.

ASEAN and Canada sign collaboration for energy transition framework

One of the areas for cooperation is capacity building.

Vietnam’s weak grid a barrier to direct power purchase policy

Its poor energy infrastructure impedes the integration of new capacity from RE projects. 

Carbon Capture and Storage: The bold path forward for ASEAN

Fossil fuels make up 83% of ASEAN energy mix. With energy needs expected to triple by 2050 compared to 2020 levels, the urgency for a low-carbon transition is clear. Nine ASEAN countries have committed to reaching net zero or carbon neutrality by mid-century.

Exploring carbon pricing revenue recycling for securing raw materials of biomass co-firing in ASEAN

Without any mitigation measures, the energy demand of ASEAN in 2050 is projected to increase by triple the 2020 value due to the population and economic growth of the region. Coal is projected to account for the significant shares for approximately 43% and 22% of the total ASEAN’s electricity generation and primary energy supply in 2050, respectively.

ASEAN can better utilise RE through third-party-access principle

Vietnam recently allowed large consumers to directly procure from clean energy producers. 

Malaysia’s TNB inks deals with Indonesia, Singapore to support ASEAN Power Grid

The partnerships will enhance energy resilience and security in the region.

Cambodia’s 18-year energy plan sets ambitious targets for renewables

To attain energy security, Cambodia will have to overcome investment challenges, cut wasteful consumption, and review pricing policies. 

Why ASEAN should take a regional approach to accelerating RE

The Regional Approach Report outlines how collaboration is key to the aim of 35% renewable energy capacity by 2025 in the region.

ASEAN targets 100% renewable energy through regional approach

ASEAN Centre for Energy report outlines cross-border synergy efforts towards 100% renewable energy vision for a greener and unified future.