
'Greening' India's budget

Climate change and other environmental issues have slowly started getting required attention in Government development plans. One such example is a...

Japan to aid Laos in slashing carbon emission

Low carbon technologies to be shared.

The role of NAMAs in achieving low carbon growth in India

In recent years, remarkable economic growth in developing countries has caused a rapid increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in addition to the...

Indonesia tightens law on Sumatran forest fires

After haze occurred in January and February.

Back to the Future: How is Asia's energy sector 3 years after the Tohoku earthquake?

The global nuclear ‘enterprise’ is now three years (March 11, 2011) past the historic Tohoku earthquake (M9.0), subsequent tsunami (~14-15m waves)...

New tool to address blue risks launched

It claims of effectively determining true cost of water.