Japan paves way to export nuclear technology to India, Vietnam
Japan Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba and his Indian counterpart, SM Krishna, agreed to move ahead with talks toward a civilian nuclear power agreement. This serves as a precondition that would enable Tokyo to export nuclear power plant technology to the South Asian nation.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Tan Dung, will likely discuss nuclear power cooperation when they meet Monday, a government official said.
Japan hopes to export commercial nuclear technology to India and Vietnam, even as the country is scaling back the use of nuclear energy at home.
Japan has already signed off on talks toward a nuclear power pact with Vietnam, but the parliamentary approval needed to ratify the agreement has been put on hold.
The ruling Democratic Party of Japan had promoted nuclear technology exports as a pillar of its economic growth strategy. But the March 11 earthquake and ensuing accident at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant led to a suspension of negotiations with India toward accords on the transfer of nuclear energy technology and related materials for peaceful use.
The agreement with India may draw criticism, as it comes at a time when the Fukushima crisis isn’t yet resolved. Moreover, India isn’t a member of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons and technology, while promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy.