, Vietnam

Doosan Heavy Industries Vietnam set to ship 642-ton boiler components

These are the first Vietnam-produced domestic boilers.

In a release, Doosan Heavy Industries Vietnam announced two shipments totaling 624 tons of high tech power plant boiler components for the Mong Duong II power plant in August. “With these shipments and this history making project that involves the first “Made in Vietnam” power plant boiler, ​Vietnamese heavy industry is taking a giant step forward,” said a company spokesperson.

The first shipment in August included 244 tons of Headers and the second load totaled 380 tons of Coils. Headers and Coils are the two major components that make up a high-tech boiler and are the heart of a modern thermal power plant, producing the steam to drive turbines. Mong Duong II (MDII) consists of two 600 MW power boilers that will be 100% “Made in Vietnam” by Vietnamese engineers and technicians.

Being the first domestic boilers to be produced in Vietnam it is a significant milestone that lays the foundation for Vietnam’s domestic power development and marks the successful localization of the industry in the country. On August 17th a ceremony to lift the 230 ton steam drum which is the critical equipment that provides the superheated steam for the turbines and generators.

To date the Doosan Vina Boiler team has completed nearly 50% of the project and is on track to meet the scheduled completion in March of 2013. In total the Boiler equipment manufactured for MD II at Doosan Heavy Industries Vietnam complex in the Dung Quat Economic Zone in Quang Ngai Province will require 11 shipments.

The 1,200 MW MDII thermal power project II is a $1.3 billion USD project being carried out by Doosan for AES. The power plant is designed to produce 8.1 billion killowats per year and will cover an area of ​297 hectares. Upon completion Mong Duong II will have the capacity to provide power for approximately 2.25 million additional Vietnamese households.

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