, Vietnam

Vietnam looks to the IAEA for guidance on nuclear power

Preparations are underway for the construction of Vietnam’s first nuclear power plant in central Ninh Thuan Province.

Vietnam is seeking more support from the International Atomic Energy Agency to develop the infrastructure for its nuclear power program.

Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Quan said that Vietnam started its nuclear power program while the country still suffered from poor infrastructure, the absence of a lack of legal framework and a shortage of human and capital resources.

Preparations are underway for the construction of Vietnam’s first nuclear power plant in central Ninh Thuan Province. The plant is to commence construction in 2014 and is expected to become operational after 2020.

Quan said that developing Vietnam's nuclear power infrastructure was among six key tasks of the State Steering Committee for the Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project when it was established in 2010.

He said his ministry was improving its assessment of current conditions in the country's nuclear power infrastructure to determine measures for improving it, He emphasized that a nuclear power plant will only be built when safety could be absolutely assured.

IAEA deputy director general Alexander Bychkov said the agency will Vietnam to support the country's development of its nuclear power program. According to the IAEA, nuclear power infrastructure will take 10 to 15 years to develop.

Between 2009 and 2011, Vietnam has invested US$1.14 million to develop its nuclear power infrastructure. Under the National Power Development Plan for 2011-20, nuclear power is to generate nearly 1,000 MW, accounting for 1.3% of Vietnam’s total power output and 7% after 2020.

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