, Indonesia

What you must know about pressing issues affecting ASEAN energy sector

How bad are they?

ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF) 2013 will be held on September 24-26 in Bali, Indonesia.

AEBF 2013, to be held in conjunction with the ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting (AMEM), will be an international gathering of government officials, project developers, the financial community, investors, and energy executives aimed at resolving present and future energy concerns in the region.

Every year, the ASEAN Ministers of Energy meet to discuss issues affecting the energy sector in the region. This meeting is hosted by one ASEAN country. This year, the host country is Indonesia. The event will be held in Bali at Westin Resort Nusa Dua.

Back to back with the ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting (AMEM) and its associated meetings with their Dialogue Partners including Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Russia and the USA, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Directorate General of Electricity of Indonesia will host the 14th ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF). This is being co-organized by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and Leverage International (Consultants) Inc., to take advantage of the presence of all the Ministers of Energy and their senior officials who can join the forum in a government-private sector dialogue.

His Excellency Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia will officially open the AMEM and AEBF in a joint ceremony.

AEBFconsists of:

• Joint Official Opening with ASEAN Ministers of Energy Meeting (AMEM), to be presided by Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

• Conference: The international conference is a high-level business forum for strategic discussionsmixed with presentations of practical business opportunities.ASEAN energy officials and international energy professionals, businessmen and experts will be joining as speakers, participants and observers

• Exhibition: A specialized exhibit will complement the conference. This will feature the key players in all aspects of energy including among others, renewable energy, clean energy, energy efficiency and conservation. It will also showcase the winners of the ASEAN energy awards.

• ASEAN Energy Awards (AEA): Started in 2000, AEA is Southeast Asia’s prestigious annual awards programme that recognizes outstanding work for excellence, creativity, practicality and dedication to a cause in the field of energy. This year’s 4 major awards categories are:
- ASEAN Best Practices on Energy Management for Building and Industry Awards
- ASEAN Energy Efficiency and Conservation Best Practices Awards for Energy Efficient Buildings
- ASEAN Best Practices on Renewable Energy Awards
- ASEAN Best Practices for Coal

• Ministers-CEOs Dialogue: A highlight of the AEBF is the Ministers-CEOs Dialogue.This is a very privileged face-to-face dialogue between the Energy Ministers and CEOs of major companies operating in the region.

• B to B Meetings: A key feature of AEBF, these meetings will generate business opportunities to meet the growing demands for energy and power in the region. The organizers will arrange private meetings between particular participants, upon request.

Be part of this important event andtake advantage of this significant exposure to the region’s power and energy industry. For more information about AEBF 2013, please visit the event website at: https://aebf.leverageinternational.comor contact secretariat at:

Leverage International (Consultants), Inc.
Tel: +632 818-6828; 810-1389
Fax: +632 810-1564
E-mail: [email protected]

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