, Singapore

Singapore’s first energy storage system deployed at Pasir Panjang Terminal

It has a 2MW/2MWh capacity and is set to operate in Q3 2022.

Singapore’s first energy storage system (ESS) with a two-megawatt(MW)/2MW-hour capacity has been deployed at the Pasir Panjang Terminal and will start to operate in the third quarter of 2022.

In a statement, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) said the project is part $8m partnership with PSA Corporation Limited to transform the company’s port operations energy usage through the adoption of smart grid technologies and energy management systems.

The EMA and PSA awarded a consortium led by Envision Digital to develop smart grid management systems (SGMS) which included the storage system and solar panels managed by a platform which uses machine learning to give real-time automated forecasts of the terminal’s energy demand.

READ MORE: EMA opens for second wave of proposals for electricity imports

When a surge in energy consumption is expected, the battery will supply energy to cater to the demand, minimising spikes in the terminal's energy demand.

“During periods when the ESS is not used to manage demand, the ESS will also participate in the National Electricity Market of Singapore to provide ancillary services to the power grid and to generate revenue,” the EMA said. 

“Insights from the project may also validate the possibility for commercial and industrial users to adopt ESS to serve multiple purposes, such as demand management on-site and providing commercial ancillary services to support power systems,” it added.

READ MORE: Battery store investment to climb US$20b in 2022: IEA

EMA also said that the energy storage is part of the SGMS which can improve the energy efficiency of port operations by 2.5% and reduce the port’s carbon emissions by 1,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent annually. This is equivalent to taking around 300 cars off the road yearly.

The partnership between the EMA and PSA is part of the authority’s Acceleration Energy Storage for Singapore programme for a smooth adoption of storage systems in the Lion City through the promotion of use cases and business models.

The programme also supports the EMA’s target of deploying at least 200MW of storage beyond 2025, it said.

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