, Philippines

Philippines receives 25 bids for 13 potential RE projects

The bidding was for hydropower, geothermal and wind projects.

The Philippines’ Department of Energy (DOE) launched the 4th Open and Competitive Selection Process (OCSP), receiving 25 applications for 13 out of 20 pre-determined areas (PDAs) for potential hydropower, geothermal and wind energy sources.

In a statement, the department said of the 20 offered PDAs, three were for geothermal resources with a potential capacity of 169 megawatts (MW), 14 were for hydropower resources with a potential 87.96 MW capacity, and three were for wind sources.

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The DOE said this is the first round of the OCSP round to offer wind projects following the completion of resource assessment for wind energy.

Evaluation of all bids is expected to be completed by 12 October and the awarding of contracts will be on 24 November.

The Review and Evaluation Committee is currently reviewing the motion for reconsideration from four bidders, two of which were for hydropower and two for wind projects.

PDAs are locations with a potential for renewable sources that could be developed for the energy sector.

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