, Hong Kong
Photo from Towngas

Towngas rolls out flood prevention, other measures to ensure supply during typhoon season

Inspections are also being conducted. 

The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) has implemented various climate resilience measures to ensure a safe and reliable gas supply following last year’s super typhoon and torrential downpour. 

In a statement, Towngas said it has enhanced flood prevention facilities at the Tai Po Gas Production Plant and introduced ultrasonic technology for pipeline inspections.

The company said it conducts climate risk assessments, on-site facility inspections, review and improve resilience measures, and strengthens its emergency preparedness.

Towngas has also identified the plant’s flooding and typhoons risks, and equipped critical locations with flood gates and water pumps, together with an early warning system for flooding.

Meanwhile, the gas supply network was enhanced through upgrades in its pipeline infrastructure and continuous monitoring, Tonwngas said. Ultrasonic instruments were also utilised to inspect pipeline conditions, whilst the internal conditioning robot for steel pipe was utilised for tasks inside steel pipes. 

“To support Hong Kong’s development and enhance supply safety and reliability, Towngas has invested approximately HK$1.9b ($243m) in capital expenditure over the past two years, primarily for pipeline facilities and plant equipment upgrades,” the company noted. 

Aside from climate resilience efforts, Towngas said it is also implementing initiatives to support the national “30-60” dual carbon goals and the Hong Kong government’s 2050 carbon neutrality strategy, 

Towngas said it plans to introduce zero-carbon fuels, such as green naphtha, green methane, green hydrogen, green methanol, in phases to replace fossil fuels. It aims to reduce the total carbon intensity of using town gas by 36% (compared to the 2019 baseline) by 2035, reaching 0.15 kg carbon dioxide equivalent emissions per unit of energy produced.

The company has been also upgrading its upgrading its infrastructure to improve efficiency
and avoid unnecessary methane emissions, as well as utilising low-carbon energy sources.


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