, India
Photo by Levent Simsek via Pexels

India green lights 2,600-MW hydro pumped storage plants

This will boost efforts to achieve 74 GW by 2031-2032.

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has cleared two hydro pumped storage projects (PSP), namely the 600 megawatt (MW) Upper Indravati in Odisha being developed by OHPC Ltd and the 2,000 MW Sharavathy in Karnataka being developed by KPCL, to boost the country’s efforts to transition to clean energy.

In a statement, the Ministry of Power said the CEA is also looking into other proposals for hydro PSP with a total capacity of 60 gigawatts (GW). 

To fast track the processing of these projects, CEA has simplified its process for preparation of detailed project reports (DPR). Among the revisions are allowing developers  to submit the DPR online with completion of the first 12 design chapters, and no mandatory requirement of approval of Cost & Financial Chapters. 

India is prioritising the development of energy storage systems to ensure energy security. As per the Nation Electricity Plan (Generation), the country eyes an installed capacity of energy storage systems including battery energy storage systems of 74 GW by 2031-2032. 

“There is potential of about 176 GW of Hydro PSPs in the country, out of which 4.7 GW are under operation, 4 GW under construction, 3.6 GW concurred (construction to be started) and around 60 GW under survey and investigation,” the ministry said. 

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