Photo by Darya Grey_Owl via Pexels

Philippines releases TOR for Green Energy Auction 4

This round eyes new capacity from solar and onshore wind projects.

The Philippines has released the terms of reference (TOR) for the fourth round of the Green Energy Auction (GEA-4), which aims to add over 9 GW of renewable energy capacity.

According to the country’s Department of Energy (DOE), TOR sets out the technical, financial, and commercial requirements that will govern project selection, ensuring a transparent and competitive bidding process.

GEA-4 aims to accelerate the country’s renewable energy transition by adding 9,378 megawatts (MW) of new capacity from ground-mounted solar, roof-mounted solar, floating solar, and onshore wind projects. This is the first auction to integrate renewable energy and energy storage systems, specifically solar power plants paired with battery energy storage systems.

“With an additional 1,100 MW of solar capacity equipped with energy storage, these projects are expected to enhance grid reliability and flexibility while supporting the country’s growing electricity demand,” DOE said.

The department has set installation targets from 2026 to 2029.

Under the new guidelines, qualified suppliers must either hold a renewable energy service contract or possess a certificate of authority issued under the Revised Omnibus RE Guidelines. The Green Energy Tariff for GEA projects will also now be subject to indexation, as may be determined by the Energy Regulatory Commission, following the feed-in-tariff rules.

The supply contract for winning renewable energy projects will be for 20 years, starting from the plant’s commercial operation date.

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