Masdar, PLN NP to triple Indonesia’s Cirata floating solar PV capacity
It will expand the plant’s capacity by up to 500 MW.
Masdar and PLN Nusantara Power (PLN NP) signed a deal to increase the capacity of Southeast Asia’s largest floating solar power plant by three-fold or up to 500 megawatts (MW) as part of the Phase II development plan.
In a statement, the initial 145 MW capacity for the Cirata floating solar plant is expected to start operations later this year.
The recent regulation from Indonesia’s Ministry of Public Works and Housing allows up to 20% water coverage of renewable energy for the Cirate reservoir which will provide more space for expansion of up to 500 MW.
The 145 MW Cirate floating solar plant is a joint venture between Masdar and PR PJB, now PLN NP.