, South Korea
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South Korea, Kazakhstan expand energy cooperation through talent sharing

This was among the agreements signed.

South Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) said it has signed memorandums of understanding (MoU) with the Kazakh government, including one that expands the two countries’ cooperation in the power sector.

In a statement, MOTIE said the agreement involves enhancing the two countries’ people exchanges and collaboration in the industry. 

“As the Kazakh government is pushing to expand the renewable energy mix ratio, transition from coal-fired power to gas-fired combined cycle power, upgrade old power plants’ energy efficiency, and convert to eco-friendly systems, Korean companies with competitiveness in these areas can look forward to future project opportunities,” MOTIE said. 

In another statement, MOTIE said its Minister Dukgeun Ahn and Kazakhstan’s Industry and Construction Minister Kanat Sharlapaev attended the signing ceremony for the inking of 24 private sector MoUs. 

A total of five were signed in the energy area for combined cycle power plants, renewable energy plants, power grid modernisation, small modular reactors (SMRs), and gas treatment plants.

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