India produces more power from bioenergy
The increasing number of bioenergy power generation projects in 2011 produced 500MW of energy.
India’s total power supply derived from bioenergy sources now stands at 3,056MW. Bioenergy sources include biomass and bagasse.
The federal government said 30 villages now secure their electricity from biomass gasifiers. Biomass feedstock such as rice husks, corn, cotton, woodchips and other agricultural residues have been used throughout 2011 to power biomass gasifiers.
The government also has plans to add a further 30,000MW of renewable energy, adding to the current installed capacity of 22,000MW. Renewable energy accounts for some 11% of all energy generated within India.
The United Kingdom and India in December 2011 entered into a US$15 million deal to collaborate on sustainable bioenergy research. The programme will see scientific research carried out into plants and algae for bioenergy development.