In Focus
Will Japan ever stop its love affair with coal financing?
The country provided $22b for coal projects overseas.
Will Japan ever stop its love affair with coal financing?
The country provided $22b for coal projects overseas.
China blows hard to amp up wind capacity
Is China finally getting affected by environmental pressure?
China reveals new quota of 1,800-2,000 minimum utilisation hours for wind power
Minimum quota for solar power on the other hand is at 1,300-1,500 hours.
Is Indonesia ready to finally go big on nuclear energy?
Indonesia is rapidly approaching nuclear maturity.
The Philippines licks its wounds from Al Gore’s piercing remarks on coal-fired power use
Is the 70% reduction in emissions by 2030 too ambitious?
Further power project delays hit Myanmar's blossoming sector
Project pipeline shrunk to just 6.4GW.
Taiwan starts shifting focus to harnessing solar energy
Can it hold on to its solar ambition?
Eyebrows raised over Vietnam’s vow to quit coal plants
Vietnam has got experts thinking: "Are you serious?".
Indonesia’s red-hot geothermal energy goals under threat as sky-high costs bite
The country’s ambitions might be too lofty, experts say.
Whitest of white elephants: USD1 trillion could be unnecessarily splurged on new coal-fired plants
Investments are pouring in for 1500 plants, but these are likely to be wasted.
How deeply ensnared are the Chinese firms in Thailand's solar market?
The country's capacity increase is projected to be 6 times higher.
Will Myanmar's ballooning power sector be badly pricked by project delays?
Its potential may be marred by these threats.
"Too lengthy" approval time plagues Philippines' power project scene
Land acquisition and transmission issues make the situation worse.
Renewables vs baseload energy: Why industry experts think renewables can't be used for baseload needs
If not renewables, what then must be used to meet baseload requirements?
Has power demand in Asia been slowing down?
Do not get fooled by the 80% demand growth, analysts say.
Is there more harm than good in the Philippine power market's changing landscape?
Industry experts throw their insights at the inaugural Asian Power Utility Forum 2016.
India fervently hopes for its distribution reform’s success
Energy and peak deficit both slid to 2.6% and 4.7%.
Offshore wind power needs Singapore’s expertise as Asia’s reliance on fossil fuels rises