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ASEAN nears 35% regional renewable energy target

This is despite the slight decline of renewables’ share in the total capacity in 2022.

Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are on track to achieving the regional target of 35% renewable energy share in the total installed power capacity by 2035.

In a report, the ASEAN Centre for Energy said the total renewables capacity in 2022 reached 315 gigawatts (GW) which is equivalent to a 33.4% share.

However, the share declined slightly from 33.6% in 2021. In terms of the installed capacity, meanwhile, 2022 levels increased by 3.8%.

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“Continual efforts would lead to achieving the regional target of 37.9% of RE,” the report read.

Wind and bioenergy saw the largest increase with 15 and 9% growth, respectively.

Under a scenario following the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation, the share of renewables could reach 41.5% by 2025, and 63.2% by 2050.

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