India approves plans for six nuclear reactors in Maharashtra
Six nuclear reactors at Jaitapur, Maharashtra.
The government of India has given approval to build these partnership with France-based Areva.
Minister of state in PMO V Narayanasamy said that work on two 1,650MW units will begin in the current Plan period.
"The government has accorded in-principle approval for locating six units of Light Water Reactors each of 1,650MW capacity at Jaitapur in technical co-operation with France," said Narayanasamy.
But Narayanasamy insists the reactor will be no threat to local communities.
"There is neither displacement of people at the site nor any requirement of resettlement of any person," hesaid.
"Construction work is going on in three such plants in Finland, three in France and two in China. We are going to build the power plant on that technology," Narayanaswamy added.
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