Daewoo to build 60 MW power plant in Sumatra
Daewoo plans to build a $290 million power plant in North Sumatra that will supply 60 megawatts of electricity to state utility provider Perusahaan Listrik Negara.
Dahlan Iskan, president director of PLN, said Daewoo Engineering & Construction would sign an independent power producer agreement on Thursday, which is the closing day of the Indonesia International Infrastructure Conference in Jakarta.
“We have already signed a power-purchase agreement with Daewoo, and we expect that construction can be completed by 2013,” the president director said on Tuesday on the sidelines of the conference.
PLN expects to raise the percentage of households that have access to electricity from 65 percent currently to 91 percent in 2019 and 100 percent by 2020. Indonesia’s power grid has 31,000 MW of available power to supply the nation’s 240 million people with electricity.