, Australia
Photo by Tom Swinnen on Pexels

Green Wind to build 600-MW wind farm in Western Australia

The Ambrosia Wind Farm could power 300,000 homes.

Green Wind Renewables will be developing the 600-megawatt Ambrosia Wind Farm in Western Australia which could offset over one million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

In a statement, Green Wind said the wind farm would be composed of 100 wind turbines, generating around 1.8 terawatt-hours of electricity annually. This could power around 300,000 homes in Western Australia.

The company said it will start with the community consultation and neighbour engagement processes soon.

“Green Wind Renewables has pledged to work closely with the local community throughout the project, ensuring transparency and collaboration throughout the development process,” it said. 

“The Ambrosia Wind Farm represents more than just a renewable energy initiative—it’s a substantial investment in the region’s future, expected to generate employment opportunities and support the local economy,” the company added.


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