Marubeni wins big Japan solar plant deal
Sufficient to supply some 15,000 households.
The Aichi and Mie prefectural governments have tapped Marubeni Corp. to construct and operate a huge solar plant to produce the said amount of energy.
Marubeni Corp. won over five other companies who have also submitted bids for the project.
Aichi and Mie officials judged Marubeni had the most knowhow in the energy business, and its proposal was also deemed attractive in terms of job creation.
The plant location straddles the border of both prefectures.
The ¥16 billion facility will have a maximum output of 48,700 kw and is scheduled to go on stream in October 2014.
It is meant to operate for 20 years, according to prefectural officials.
The electricity generated will be sold to Chubu Electric Power Co., which serves Aichi, Mie and other prefectures in the Chubu region.
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