, Vietnam

Dong Thap province poised to save 25% of total energy consumption

After 2 years of implementing an energy saving project Dong Thap province is set to save 25% in total energy consumption.


In implementing energy efficiency measures,"Assessment of current use of energy in Dong Thap Province and research of solutions for energy efficiency”, the province will be able to reduces over 27,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions into the environment each year.

Mr. Le Huu Du, Deputy Director of Dong Thap Department Industry and Commerce, said that for the first time in Dong Thap Province, the overall energy consumption has been calculated in relation to social-economic development, thereby appropriate policies can be built for promotion of energy efficiency; while in the past this was only orally exhorted for and had never been achieved.

The leading industries in Dong Thap are also the ones that have the greatest potential of reducing electricity usage.

 According to Mr. Le Ngoc Thanh, manager of Vinh Thoi Private Enterprise, thanks to the energy audit support, the proposed solutions were able to be implemented by his enterprise. Most of solutions were not too difficult for businesses to implement because not much financial investment capital was needed. It was entirely within the enterprise’s capacity. "In implementing the counseled solutions, we saved 15% of energy consumption, significantly reducing production costs", said Mr. Le Thanh.

Initial solutions only focused on improving and streamlining the existing equipment. This result was due to the fact that thorough assessments were made on a number of electric energy consuming technologies and equipment that many enterprises were using. Then, specific power saving solutions were worked and even equipment and technologies, including management technology, were renovated.

The project also provides basic solutions to help businesses reduce electricity costs. Solutions include building energy management activities, installing inverters for fans in dehumidifiers, replacing windshield vans with wind flow regulating inverters, installing inverters in cooling fans, installing inverters in exhausting fans of course crushers, optimizing the performance of air compressor units, regulating air flow for steam boilers.

According to Mr. Mai Van, Deputy Director of the Center for Promotion and Development of Industry in Dong Thap, in implementing energy saving solutions, on average each business in the province can save nearly 500 thousand kWh of electricity and 500 tonnes of rice husk, equivalent to more than 1 billion VND. According to statistics, with the investment capital for energy saving solutions of around 550 million VND, after 6 months the enterprise can make the payback. Besides saving the production cost, each year the enterprise also contributes to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide into the environment by nearly a thousand tons.

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