, Vietnam

Vietnam discusses role of the press in energy efficiency

A seminar was organized in Vietnam to promote the propagation and make a change in perceptions and actions of people on enhancing the efficient use of energy resources. It also intends to raise awareness of environment protection and in contributing to the implementation of the National Program on Energy Efficiency and Conservation.


Entitled "The role of the press in energy efficiency and conservation in businesses", it was organized by the Vietnam Lighting Association organized in cooperation with Light and Life Journal on the occasion of Vietnamese Revolutionary Press day. 

At the seminar, many opinions of managers, companies and journalists focused on discussing the positive impacts of the press on the efficient use of energy as well as on the effect of production and trading of high performance and energy saving products.

According to journalists, for the communication on energy saving to be more effective, governing bodies should strengthen the direction, cooperate with media and press agencies to maximize the effectiveness of propagation to change public perceptions of the efficient and economic use of energy and contribute to the successful implementation of the National Program on Energy Efficiency and Conservation in 2011 and the next years.

The workshop had the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Construction, Department of Journalism - Publishing, leaders of Vietnam Electricity Corporation, representatives of related industries, domestic lighting equipment manufacturers and many reporters from press agencies.

The seminar was also an opportunity for lighting equipment producers to express their problems and difficulties, propose recommendations and solutions to the management levels for timely adjustments in the implementation of the Law on Energy Efficiency and Conservation, while sharing information and experience in this field.

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