, Vietnam

Vietnam province of Dong Nai hosts energy conservation program

HCM City Energy Conservation Centre collaborated with Dong Nai Industrial Consultancy Center to hold the conference energy efficiency workshop in Dong Nai.


The conference is entitled "Support for the development and implementation of energy efficiency conservation". .

Attending the conference were energy experts, energy managers, electric equipment manufacturers and more than 100 enterprises in the province of Dong Nai.

The purpose of the workshop was to raise awareness of enterprises, especially key enterprises in the province, of the execution of the state’s regulations on energy efficiency. Experts and electric equipment manufacturers introduced to the conference specific measures to save electricity and effective power management models. Thereby, businesses could see the role and benefits of implementing energy efficiency to gradually build their own energy management systems.

According to Mr. Pham Huy Phong, Head of HCMC Energy Conservation Center’s Technical Department, ECC HCMC is one of the leading units in the country in research, deployment and implementation of many energy saving projects. Attending the conference, businesses had the opportunity to obtain valuable experience and practical knowledge to implement energy efficiency.

At the end of the conference, many key enterprises in the province of Dong Nai proposed ECC-HCMC to provide consultancy to perform energy audits and seek financial support to implement energy saving measures in the enterprises.

The conference provided an opportunity for businesses to approach technologies, solutions and financial resources to implement energy efficiency and conservation.

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