, Indonesia

Indonesia seeks suitable nuke plant site amid nuke stigma

Kalimantan has been identified as a suitable site nuclear energy development as it is relatively earthquake-free from compared to Java.


This was announced by Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta.

He said there were two provinces in Kalimantan, East and Central Kalimantan, which were ready to develop nuclear energy although, at present, the ministry was still focusing on developing nuclear energy in Sumatra.

Hatta said it was now the time for Indonesia to begin developing nuclear energy to fulfill the country`s energy needs and food resources development to improve people`s welfare.

"If people are willing and able to accept nuclear energy, we have to begin before we run out of natural resources such as coal and others," said the minister here Friday.

National Nuclear Energy Agency chief Hadi Hustowo admitted that it was still difficult to eliminate the negative stigma toward the development of nuclear energy.

“If people are willing and able to accept the development, we have to begin the process  before our natural resources run out,” he said as quoted by Antara news agency.

Hatta added that society still believed that nuclear energy could only be used for bombs.

“Now is the right time to develop nuclear energy,” Hatta said.

For the source of thius story, click here.

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