, Indonesia

Electricity to reach 90% of Indonesian households by 2014

Indonesia's PLN projects the number of households enjoying electricity in the country to reach 90 percent by late 2014.


"Currently, the electrification ratio reaches 71 percent of all the families in Indonesia. The national electrification ratio at the end of 2012 is targeted to reach 75 percent," said the company`s president director, Nur Pamudji.

He is optimistic that by the end of 2014 the electrification ratio would be more than 90 percent with the support of the government`s budget, especially from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, reports Antara News.

To increase the electrification ratio the company was confronted with obstacles in the provision of electricity network, particularly in Central Java he said. The governor of Central Java Bibit Waluyo provided a way out to coordinate the task force units related so PT PLN could implement the electricity network provision.

Governor Bibit Waluyo asserted that the electrification ratio in Central Java has vastly improved compared to the national level which is current has reached to 76.60 percent.

"To realize the electrification ratio higher than the national target is tough but it is a challenge for all the parties to work hard," he said.

According to governor in Central Java there is still 4,060 out of 4,460 villages which until now have not enjoyed the electricity.

For a while the villages which have not yet the electricity are aided by empowering the local potential such as hydropower to meet the needs of 25 to 150 families.

"If the area does not have enough water potentials to drive turbines to generate electricity then it is attempted to use solar power," Bibit explained.

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