, Vietnam

Vietnam needs more coal for planned thermal power plants

Vietnam's plans to raise the number of thermal power plants will require 14.4  to 15.2 million tons of coal for electricity production in 2012.


Based on on the country's thermal power project plans for the 2011-2030, the figure will more than double to 33-38 million tons in 2015 and surge all the way to 181 to 231million tons in 2030.

The country targets to produce 45-47 million tons of commercial coal in 2012; 55-58 million tons in 2015; 60-65 million tons in 2020 and 75 million tons in 2030.

The Government has asked the Vinacomin to seek for foreign coal providers to meet the local demand, given the possibility of the local coal shortage in the future.

In details, 46 plants are planned to start operation by 2020, consuming about 77 million tons of coal annually. Of which, 25 plants will use around 29 million tons of domestic coal yearly, the rest will be imported.

The figure may rise to 70 plants by 2030 which are planned to consume 160 million tons of coal a year. However, only 24 of the plants will use local coal, about 31 million tons/year, and the rest will be imported.

The government assigned Vinacomin to import 10 million tons of coal for electricity generation in 2015 and about 65 million tons by 2020.

Vietnam is eyeing Australia and Indonesia for coal importation.

For the source of this story, click here.

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