, Vietnam

Vietnam's extensive implementation of energy efficiency and conservation program

In 2012, Hanoi’s energy-saving program continues with the extensive implementation of energy efficiency and conservation, focusing on industrial zones, manufacturing areas, craft villages and commercial buildings. Also, there are pilot deployment of energy efficiency in transportation means and change from awareness into concrete action, through the construction of demonstration model of energy savings.

This is also the goal set in the Conference outlining tasks of 2012 energy efficiency and conservation program, hosted by the Hanoi Executive Board of energy saving program on the last April 4.
Attending the conference were representatives of Hanoi People's Committee, leaders of Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade and representatives of districts, towns in the area of Hanoi. For the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the meeting were Mr. Phuong Hoang Kim, Director of Energy Efficiency and Conservation Office (EECO), and Mr. Dang Hai Dung, senior officer from EECO.

To realize these goals, Hanoi will focus on some solutions include further promoting the propagation of energy use and efficiency savings through mass media, supporting businesses access to energy saving technologies through exhibitions ENTECH HANOI 2012, competition for energy management in industry and buildings ... The city will also reinforce supportive activities for enterprises to save energy, carrying out information dissemination on energy savings and efficiency in the transport sector; introduction of energy saving measures in households, supporting the use of domestic appliances with high energy efficiency, solar use and other renewable energy sources; inspection and supervision of the implementation of energy efficiency in state agencies and units

In 2011, Hanoi Executive Board of the energy saving program actively works to help businesses, communities to change from awareness into concrete actions to use energy efficiently. Last year, through this program, the City has saved nearly 58,000 TOE (of which, electricity saved is 16,684 TOE; gas is 753 TOE; oil products of 15,596 TOE; coal savings of TOE 8217; non-commercial energy is 16,750 TOE), equivalent to nearly 638 billion dong.

Earlier, the City Executive Board was established under Decision No. 5950/QD-UBND issued by People Committee Chairman Mr. Nguyen The Thao. The Executive Board comprises of 14 members led by Mr. Nguyen Van Suu, Vice Chairman of Hanoi’s People Committee.


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