, Indonesia

Indonesia to receive 1000 solar panels from China

Enhance infrastructure development in remote areas.

THis is China's objective in granting 1,000 units of solar power electricity panels to Indonesia.

"The relationship between Indonesia and the People`s Republic of China has existed long enough to reach the main objective of improving the people`s welfare of both countries," said the Director of Xuzhu Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, Ding Wei.

China has already used this solar model in rural and mountainous areas, which it hopes to be implemented in Indoensia.

Wei noted that solar panels are already commonly installed in remote areas in China.

Indonesia's Welfare Minister Agung Laksono said that these solar panels operation is very simple, easy to use with quite low maintenance costs.

"Therefore, this technology is very suitable to be applied in areas that have no electricity supply. Though the electricity supply is limited for home use, but it is a renewable solution," he said.

The extension of the grant was done symbolically in the Coordinating Ministry for People`s Welfare office complex here Monday, witnessed by the People`s Welfare Minister Agung Laksono.

"The government will distribute the solar panels to remote and outer areas still needing electricity supply.

Technology is expected to support the creation of environmental friendly social infrastructure," said Agung.

The grant considered to be suitable for Indonesian geographical condition which is located in the equator and receives sun light throughout the year.

Therefore, Indonesia has a huge potential to develop solar power installations, he said.

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