, Indonesia

Energy leaders to gather at the 12th Clean Coal Forum Indonesia 2013

It will be held on Dec 5-6,2013.

Produced by CDMC Events, The 12th Clean Coal Forum Indonesia 2013 will be held on Dec 5-6,2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia. It will generate some valuable advices to assist you to gauge the pulse of this ever-changing industry and grasping the latest and most advanced clean coal technologies especially in Asia Pacific market.

Indonesia’s production of thermal and coking coal is forecast to hit 380 million tons in 2012, up 5.5% on this year’s estimate. The Energy Ministry’s forecast for coal production next year is 332 million tons, but that estimate does not include the output of smaller mining companies.

About 62% of Indonesia’s coal production is categorized as middle-calorie, which is used to fuel power plants at home and abroad. More than 13% is high-calorie coal, almost all of which is exported to Japan because of its stringent requirements for carbon emissions. It is used there for power generation and steelmaking. The government plans to ban shipments of raw coal material by 2014, instead requiring the sector to add value to the product before it can be exported.

The event invites will invite CEO,CTO,COO,VP,Sales Director,Business Development Director from Coal Companies,Power Companies,Oil & Gas Companies,Government Officials,Gasification Licensors,Chemical Companies,Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC),Equipment Vendors to discuss the latest indusry trend.

The event is organized by China Decision Makers Consultancy (CDMC). CDMC is China's biggest large-scale B2B event company.

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