, Indonesia

Conergy unveils first large-scale power plant project in Indonesia

3 power facilities will be built.

In a press statement, Conergy announced that the company has entered an agreement with PT. Buana Energy Surya Persada and PT. Indo Solusi Utama to build three 1-megawatt ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) power facilities that will generate electricity for three towns within the East Nusa Tenggara Province: in Sumba, Ende and Maumere. 

This contract marks the first large scale project of Conergy in Indonesia.

Conergy will be responsible for the engineering, planning, design as well as the component supply for the power plants. On-ground construction and installation in Sumba will be handled by PT. 

Buana Energy Surya Persada while the Ende and Maumere areas will be covered by PT. Indo Solusi Utama. The entire project is expected to be completed and will be fully operational in the first half of 2016. 

Sumba Island, an island in East Nusa Tenggara Province is one of the less developed areas in Indonesia. Currently almost half of the Sumba Island residents do not have access to electricity, with 85% of the island’s electricity sourced from diesel. 

Meanwhile, renewable energy resources in Sumba Island, Ende and Maumere are abundant. By harnessing these sustainable sources for power generation, the increased availability of affordable electricity can make a positive impact on the livelihoods and the overall quality of life of the local communities.

Once the 3 new solar power facilities are operational, Sumba, Ende and Maumere will each be supplied with more than 1400 MWh of electricity per year. With average household electricity consumption levels at 10 kwh/month, the equivalent of more than 35 thousand households will have access to electricity in the near future. 

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