, Indonesia

Rosatom, National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) Hosts Workshop on Modern Nuclear Technologies

Find out what the workshop focused on.

Russian State Corporation ROSATOM said today that it had hosted a workshop titled “Modern Technologies & Solutions of the Russian Nuclear Industry” together with the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN) as part of a knowledge sharing initiative.

The event, organised by Rosatom, International Network, a subsidiary of ROSATOM, hosted Batan Chairman of the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia Dr. Djarot Wisnubroto.

He said he highly appreciated the progress achieved during the year in terms of the growing cooperation between Russia and Indonesia in the field of nuclear energy peaceful uses.

“We highly appreciate our cooperation with Rosatom. Russian technologies have already made a significant contribution to the development of the Indonesian nuclear industry. Our country is in need of modern (nuclear technologies), but at the same time proven technologies to ensure its sustainable development. I am convinced that Indonesia will soon take a path of nuclear energy program”, said Dr. Wisnubroto.

Speaking on behalf of Rosatom, Kirill Komarov, First Deputy CEO for Corporate Development & International Business, noted the success of Russian-Indonesian cooperation in various areas of application of nuclear technologies. He highlighted the viability of commercial nuclear power development in Indonesia in case of the respective political decision on the nuclear power plant construction in the country.

“Indonesia is the largest economy in Asean and in order to preserve its leading position, the country certainly needs an affordable and reliable source of base generation. Considering the government's plans for the commissioning of 35 MW of new power capacity, development of nuclear energy can not only be an important part of this ambitious program, but can also make a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of Indonesia”, noted Komarov.

Further, he said Indonesia will require a responsible partner for the foundation of new industry, which will be able not only to construct a nuclear power plant, but also to support the national nuclear infrastructure development, particularly by ensuring the personnel training and public acceptance.

“Rosatom is able and ready to become such a partner for Indonesia. Today we the global nuclear power industry leader, with projects to construct of 34 nuclear power units on track in various parts of the world, among them is the first nuclear power plant in Southeast Asia, which is to be built in Vietnam”, he said.

Russian Federation Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia Mikhail Galuzin, who was present at the event, said trade and economic relations between the two countries have been productive in the current year.

“Particularly successful was bilateral cooperation in the nuclear sphere. Organising of this workshop together with our Indonesian counterparts once again demonstrates the high level of cooperation between our countries”, stated the Ambassador.

The prospects of nuclear energy development in Indonesia were the key focus of the plenary session. At the session, Dr. Rida Mulyana, Director General of New and Renewable Energies and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy & Natural Recourses of Indonesia, emphasized the importance of nuclear energy for sustainable development of the country.

The subsequent session focused on the Russian experience in the field of nuclear technology applications across a wide range of areas. There were presentations by representatives of key players, including Rusatom Overseas Inc., ASE Group, ATOMPROEKT, Fuel Company TVEL, NUKEM Technologies and Concern Rosenergoatom.

The presentations by the Russian experts focused on Rosatom’s core competencies, especially in the areas of design and construction of nuclear power plants and small modular reactors, the nuclear fuel cycle at the front-end and back-end stages, operation of nuclear power plants.
There were also a number of presentations that dealt with the Russian experience in the development of newcomer countries’ national nuclear programs, including in the areas of human resource development and nuclear technologies’ public acceptance.

From Indonesia, the workshop was attended by over 100 representatives of various organisations, including the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Ministry of Forestry and Environment, Ministry of Finance, Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) and other key institutions of the country.

Also present were executives from of key Indonesian companies like PT PLN, PT INUKI and PT Indonesia Power. The representatives of the leading universities, research and public organizations were also present at the workshop.

In April 2015, BATAN announced that a Russian-Indonesian consortium as a winner of the tender for the pre-project phase of the construction of multipurpose experimental high-temperature gas-cooled reactor. At the same time, Rosatom subsidiary VO Isotope successfully delivered ionizing radiation sources to the Indonesian company Rel-ion.


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