, Indonesia

Check out the speaker lineup for the 2017 Asian Power Utility Forum in Jakarta

The event will be held on April 6 at the Ritz-Carlton Mega Kuningan.

The 2017 Asian Power Utility Forum's 3-city road show is now on its second installment, the Jakarta leg. The event will be held on April 6 at the Ritz-Carlton Mega Kuningan, with thought leaders from The Lantau Group, PwC, and Baker McKenzie at the helm.

Mike Thomas, Partner, The Lantau Group, will  be speaking on regulatory roadblock in ASEAN countries. Southeast Asian countries are working hard to develop a regional power market and enhance energy security in both domestic and regional power markets. However, regulatory roadblocks still exist in each country hampering the push to make this vision a reality. 

Agung Wiryawan, Director, PwC, will discuss the future of Indonesian renewables. Despite the Indonesian government’s efforts, the country’s renewables sector is still underdeveloped as investors keep getting turned off with high capital requirements. Indonesia's overall new and renewables potential generation is around 200,000MW, yet only 6.8% of this has been tapped. What should the government do to make sure that its potential is maximized? What are the biggest challenges it could face in the next 3-5 years?

Luke Devine, Foreign Legal Consultant, Head of Energy, Mining & Infrastructure - Asia Pacific, Baker McKenzie and Westana H. Wiraatmadja, President - Director, PT. Energy Nusantara Merah Putih will also be taking the podium.

The Asian Power Utility Forum - Jakarta is supported by ABB. Guillaume Ridoux, Industry Solution Executive, Energy Portfolio Management, ABB, will also be speaking at the event.

If you are interested to attend, you may contact Nikki Quiniquini at [email protected] or at +65 3158 1386 ext 238.

More information about the event can be found here.

The 2017 Asian Power Utility Forum will also be held in Singapore as its last leg.

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