, Vietnam

Vietnam pursues masterplan for nuclear power development

A Vietnam official emphasized the key contents in completing a master plan of developing nuclear power infrastructure.


These conditions are human resource development, site assessment, nuclear safety, legal basis and regulations improvement, feasibility studies, as identified by Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Le Dinh Tien during the conference in Hanoi entitled "Perfecting the overall plan of infrastructure development, human resource development and information dissemination for nuclear power" .

The conference aimed to complete the overall plan of cooperation with IAEA in developing the infrastructure of nuclear power in 2015.

The conference was held by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission in coordination with the International Atomic Energy Agency and agencies of related ministries and sectors in the framework of the Technical cooperation project code named VIE/4/015/ on developing infrastructure of nuclear power.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Le Dinh Tien, said: "To complete the master plan of developing nuclear power infrastructure in 2011-2015, we should focus on key contents such as human resource development, site assessment, nuclear safety, legal basis and regulations improvement, feasibility studies, preparation of other necessary conditions for signing contracts for construction of nuclear power plants.

For human resource development, the comments at the workshop focused on assisting Vietnam to design and organize a program for training and coaching officials on nuclear technology with high quality. Particularly for information dissemination, IAEA experts and Vietnam will discuss to soon complete the National project on information dissemination for nuclear power by 2020 to submit to the Prime Minister for approval.

Participating in the conference, delegates from Japan, Russia made presentations on national strategy and approaches for human resource development, recommendations to support Vietnam under bilateral agreements as well as fields with potential to support HRD development strategy of Vietnam...

Scientists from Hanoi University of Technology, University of Natural Sciences - Ho Chi Minh City National University, Dalat University also had brief reports on the activities to propagate information on nuclear power of Vietnam Atomic Energy

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