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IAEA completes safety review over nuclear power in Kazakhstan

The SEED review involves the construction of Kazakhstan’s first nuclear power plant since 1999.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has finished a safety review in Kazakhstan for the selection of the site for the country’s proposed nuclear power plant.

The site and external events design (SEED) review lasted from 2 to 6 October 2023, assessing the safety around the Ulken village for the construction of the country’s first nuclear power plant since the closure of the BN-350 fast-neutron reactor in Aktau in 1999.

The Kazakhstan Ministry of Energy requested the five-day SEED inspection as a move to reintroduce the production of nuclear power to expand the energy mix of the country, cut reliance on fossil fuels, and achieve net-zero carbon emissions.

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“The decision to embark on the development of nuclear energy is a momentous one, and it underscores our nation's commitment to diversify our energy resources while upholding the highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility,” Gumar Sergazin, Director of the Department of Atomic Energy and Industry, stated.

Alongside the SEED mission, the ministry conducted an Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review mission in March 2023 to publicise the status of nuclear power and its accompanying infrastructure.

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