
Kyocera-led group to operate 70MW Japanese solar plant

Kyocera-led group to operate 70MW Japanese solar plant

Kyocera and six other partner-companies have established a new firm to operate a 70MW solar power plant to be built in Kagoshima City, Japan.

IAEA inspects Onagawa nuke plant

The International Atomic Energy Agency started inspecting the Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi Prefecture.

Zen-Noh, Mitusbishi in solar farm push

Zen-Noh and Mitsubishi Corp. will jointly enter the solar power generation business.

Oi nuclear plant's No. 4 reactor begins generating power

Oi nuclear power plant's No.4 reactor has started generating and transmitting electricity.

Japanese village goes 100% solar power

A tiny Japanese village becomes the poster child for Japan’s bid to divorce itself from nuclear energy.

Japan's restart of second reactor hounded by faultline concerns

Japan will restart its second nuclear reactor despite new concerns about the unit's proximity to a faultline.

Japan eyes electricity deregulation

A draft proposal by a panel of experts said Japan should overhaul its power sector, dominated by regional monopolies, to promote competition and a stable power supply.

Expert calls for Japan's grid interconnection with other countries

A Japanese expert urged the connection of Japan's grid lines to Korea, Russia, China, Mongolia, ASEAN countries and India.

China's HC Solar Power opens Tokyo subsidiary

China-based HC Solar Power formally set up a wholly-owned subsidiary in Japan in anticipation of increased PV installation.

China's HC Solar Power Opens Tokyo Subsidiary to Tap Japanese Solar Market

HC Solar Power, a China-based solar equipment manufacturer,

Japan determined to use more renewable energy

Japan will create a US$628 billion “green energy market” to push the development of renewable energy.

Japan's Ohi unit 3 starts generating power

Kansai Electric resumed power generation of its 1,180MW unit 3 of the Ohi nuclear power station. Ohi unit 3 began preparing for startup on June 16, when the national government made a final decided to restart the unit. The reactor started up on July 1 for the first time in about a year and three months and went critical on July 2. The utility will raise the output of the unit stepwise while monitoring the plant state. Unit 3 is expected to begin constant rated thermal power operation as early as July 9. After going through adjustment operation for about one month, and if the inspection outcome is successful, the unit will shift to commercial operation. Kansai Electric Power president Makoto Yagi said on the same day, "We are pleased to be able to supply electricity to our customers after an interval of four and a half months" since all the 11 units of the utility's nuclear power stations had been shut down, and added, "We are taking the first steps toward ensuring safe and stable supply of electricity." Ohi unit with 1,180 MW is expected to start up on July 18 at the earliest, go critical on July 19, be connected to the grid on July 21, and advance to constant rated thermal power operation on July 25.

Japan relaxes power savings target as nuke reactor reaches capacity

Japan will reduce power saving targets in its industrialised west after one of two restarted reactors reach capacity.

Japan launches nationwide energy conservation campaign

The government aims to cut electric consumption by between 5% and 15% until September 7.

Tepco to gradually restart Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant

Tepco aims to gradually restart the nuclear reactors at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant beginning April 2013 to curb fossil fuel costs.

Japan reveals strategic energy road map

Japan has published its latest strategic energy plan, which includes a road map of energy-based economic growth and reformation of the energy infrastructure.

Japan reverts to nuclear power

Contrary public opinion fails to deter the Japanese government from returning to nuclear energy.