PLN to build wind power plants in Aceh
PLN announced it would buy electricity from a 30 MW wind farm run by Viron Energy in Sukabumi, West Java.
Indonesia's first large-scale wind turbines plant will be built in Sukabumi, West Java, later this year. It will have a total capacity of 30 megawatts.
State electricity firm PT PLN says it will investigate building wind power plants in Aceh and East Nusa Tenggara, according to Jakarta Post.
PLN said that the company built two small-scale, 200,000-kilowatt wind power plants as pilot projects in the areas. The location of the wind farm projects are in Aceh and East Nusa Tenggara. PT PLN would study slow-pace wind power production in Sumba for six months before deciding if it would build a full-size plant.
According to the Global Wind Energy Council, Indonesia wants to build 255 MW of wind turbines capacity by 2025. With approximately 243 million people, Indonesia trails only China, India and the US in terms of population. The south-east Asian tropical republic is made up of more than 17,500 islands. According to a 2009 estimate in the CIA’s World Factbook, Indonesia imports 456,700 barrels of oil each day.