energy report
Five Asian countries have more than 600 coal projects in the pipeline
Five Asian countries have more than 600 coal projects in the pipeline
This puts the Paris Agreement carbon target at risk.
Wind market needs to train nearly half a million workers: GWEC
This is to safely meet market expansion expected in the next five years.
Malaysia to boost renewable energy capacity to 40% by 2035
The country plans to double renewable energy capacity to 18 GW.
Japan unlikely to meet 46% reduction in emission target: WoodMac
Renewables are playing their part but facing significant challenges.
New renewables trumps cheapest fossil fuel on cost
2020’s new renewable project additions will save an estimated $156b.
Wind and solar investments to hit $1.3t by 2030 in APAC: WoodMackenzie
Fossil fuel power investment will see a loss of $54b a year.
Australia rejects massive 26 GW renewable energy hub
The government cited environmental concerns as its reason for dismissing the proposed $36b power project.
China spearheads global wind power growth: report
The government’s ambitious climate goals supported renewables in the country.
Is Northeast Asia set to lead the second surge of floating offshore wind?
Beyond the grid: What is really driving smart cities in today’s energy transition